Drone - Possible Other Causes
Starlink Example
Drone at Night Example
USGS Survey Flights
Pictures of drones at night often show red and green lights, which are used for navigation. However, planes can also have four lights, and they can sometimes be mistaken for drones.
What drones look like at night
Hobbyist drones: Have four navigational lights, two red and two green
Commercial drones: Have powerful strobe lights that can be seen from up to three miles away
Law enforcement drones: Have red and green navigation lights, strobe lights, and powerful spotlights
What planes look like at night
Have four lights spread across the nose, tail, and wings. Plane lights are typically white.
How to tell the difference between drones and planes at night
Listen: Drones make a characteristic buzzing or humming sound
Look for anti-collision lights: Drones are usually not allowed to fly at night unless they have anti-collision lights visible for at least three miles
Consider apps like Starwalk II, Google Sky Map, and others to understand what you may (or may not) be seeing.